How to Get Smooth Skin

While makeup is a valuable tool in hiding skin imperfections like hyperpigmentation, scars or dark undereye circles, it unfortunately isn’t much help in disguising rough skin texture, which has a tendency to become more noticeable the more we try to cover it. That doesn’t mean you have to live with it, however. Achieving smooth skin is certainly possible with the right interventions. Read on to learn how to get smooth skin in three (consistently implemented) steps.

Causes of Rough Skin Texture

There are a number of factors that can cause bumpy, flaky-looking skin, including the following:

Aging: As unfair as it seems, our skin’s cellular turnover begins slowing down when we reach our 30s, causing the buildup of dead cells (keratin) that leave skin looking dull and rough. As we continue to age, the amount of natural moisturizing factor in our skin decreases. This is why skin is less hydrated in middle age and beyond and more likely to appear dry.

Acne Scarring: Even after overcoming active acne breakouts, skin can be left with poor texture caused by acne scarring, which leaves skin looking bumpy and uneven. This is why early acne intervention is key to avoiding long-term skin damage.

Enlarged Pores: Pores may appear larger in those with oily skin. Additionally, when collagen - a vital skin protein - becomes damaged due to sun exposure, smoking or even the natural aging process, skin may become “looser,” causing pores to appear more evident.

Eczema: Inflammatory skin conditions, like eczema, can cause skin to take on a scaly texture. Keeping this inflammation under control while optimizing skin hydration is key to overcoming the effects of this condition.

Identifying the factors that may be causing your rough skin texture is beneficial in determining the intervention that is needed. For example, if acne scarring or significantly enlarged pores are the main factors standing in the way of achieving smooth skin, seeing an esthetician or cosmetic surgeon is a valuable step, as these professionals can offer treatments that are more powerful than at-home skin care products, such as laser resurfacing and microneedling. If eczema is an issue, a visit to the dermatologist is in order, as prescription-strength treatment may be necessary to overcome inflammation. However, if texture issues are due to dryness, aging, or skin that simply needs some TLC, an at-home regimen can generate dramatic results.

Three Essential Steps to Achieving Smooth Skin

Three skin care steps play a key role in the improvement of skin texture and it’s quite likely you’re already implementing most of them and not seeing a change. Why? Because quality and consistency matter. No skin care product is capable of dramatically improving your skin if it isn’t being used at the proper frequency. Using a product too little or too often can lead to underwhelming results or the onset of new skin issues. Therefore, it is essential to follow product instructions closely and commit to using a new product for at least a month before making a determination as to whether or not it’s working.

It’s also vital to use products that are appropriate for your skin type and are formulated with high-quality ingredients rather than cheap fillers.

The three skin care steps crucial to getting smooth skin include:

1. Exfoliation

We talk a lot about exfoliation at Lexli because it is the at-home skin care step that can transform your skin. While mechanical exfoliants, like scrubs and polishes, can help to improve skin texture, chemical exfoliants pack a much greater punch while being gentler on the skin. With just one use, a chemical exfoliant can leave your skin feeling softer. With consistent implementation, however, skin will be noticeably smoother (with lots of additional benefits, like an improved complexion, diminished lines and fewer breakouts!).

Product Recommendation: Lexli AloeGlyC features a pH near that of a professional chemical peel but, due to its high concentration of pharmaceutical-grade aloe vera, it will not cause burning or redness. An added benefit offered by this product: it contains a solid dose of vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid), which helps repair damaged skin cells. As one Lexli customer put it, “This product has returned my skin to the smooth texture I never expected to see again.”

2. Moisturization

Regardless of your skin type, the use of a moisturizer is necessary to help maintain skin hydration. For those with rough skin texture caused by dryness, however, the use of a thicker, more hydrating formulation is often necessary. When combined with exfoliation, this duo can deliver powerhouse results.

Product Recommendation: Lexli Night Moisturizer, despite its name, can be used during night and day by those with dry or dehydrated skin. Formulated with a base of aloe vera, which soothes the skin and encourages hydration, Night Moisturizer also includes advanced humectants that draw moisture to the skin, occlusives to prevent the loss of moisture and emollients to smooth skin texture. “My skin is dry and (Night Moisturizer) helps moisturize and smooth out dry patches,” says a Lexli customer.

3. Sun Protection

Have you ever noticed how areas of skin that aren’t often touched by sunlight are more smooth and even than those that receive regular exposure? UV rays cause all sorts of damage to the skin but it’s the degradation of collagen and elastin fibers that results in rough skin texture. This is why sun protection is crucial.

Product Recommendation: For your face, it’s important to select a sunscreen product that is appropriate to your skin type. For those with normal-to-dry skin, Lexli Day Moisturizer with SPF 30 is ideal, as it combines the moisturization and sun protection steps into one and offers an ideal spf level that protects against 97% of sun’s rays. Plus, it features vitamin C to help skin regeneration.

Related Reading: How to Stop Premature Aging

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio