Razor Burn Treatment: How to Calm Irritated Skin

It doesn’t get much softer or smoother than freshly shaved skin, but keeping that smooth texture can be a challenge. If you’ve ever had an itchy red rash, small red uncomfortable bumps, or perhaps swelling or stinging that show up in the areas you’ve shaved, you’re likely experiencing razor burn. These symptoms can appear anywhere you shave and while they are only temporary and will disappear over time, we’re all for finding simple razor burn treatment tips and, better yet, preventing this discomfort and unsightly rash from happening altogether. Below are a few preventative tips to help keep your skin in tip-top shape all year long.

Exfoliate before shaving

Exfoliating before you shave may sound redundant, since shaving is mechanical (physical) exfoliation at its best. But using a chemical exfoliator before you shave, such as AloeGlyC® glycolic acid exfoliator, essentially gives your skin a clean canvas. It dissolves the buildup of dead skin cells, which can clog the razor blade and lead to razor burn, while preventing congestion in the pores, which can cause ingrown hairs.

Extra tip: Exfoliating and shaving in the winter, when we have a tendency to shave less, is a must to help prevent dry, itchy legs. Bypassing the process of shaving can actually lead to irritated and dry skin because of dead skin cell buildup. Removing the dead skin cells regularly – whether by chemical or mechanical exfoliation - will also allow your moisturizer to penetrate the skin more effectively.

Use the right razor

First and foremost, make sure you are using a clean, sharp, and rust-free razor. Using dull and/or unclean razors will most definitely lead to cuts and razor burn. And while there is a lot of discussion around whether to shave with or against the direction of your hair growth, shaving with the grain helps to minimize razor burn and ingrown hairs for those that are prone.

Never dry shave

Dry shaving is the quickest way to achieve razor burn and skin irritation. You should always use a moisturizing gel or lotion, like Lexli aloe cleanser, which can be used as not only a facial cleanser, but full body cleanser and shave gel, as well. Applying a shave gel or lotion will allow the razor to glide smoothly across your skin which prevents the harsh tugging of hair and provides your skin with much-needed moisture during this process. You should also shave near the end of your shower or bath to give your hair more time to soften under the warm water for easier removal.

Clean your razor and store properly

Clean your blade with alcohol after each use and throw away disposable razors after only a few uses. Although it may be easier, don’t keep your razor in the shower as the humid environment will rust the blade and increase risk of bacterial or fungal infection. After shaving, rinse razor with warm water and pat dry with a towel and keep it in a dry place.

Apply a hydrating moisturizer

Applying a body lotion or cream that is rich in humectants and emollients after shaving will help the skin maintain long-lasting hydration. Also look for products that do not contain water as the primary ingredient but rather a therapeutic base ingredient, such as aloe vera like that found in Lexli’s aloe vera body lotion, which will soothe the skin and minimize inflammation.

And if you do happen to suffer from razor burn, using products that include aloe vera as the main ingredient, like Lexli’s Moisturizing Serum or Hand & Body Lotion, will help soothe skin and calm inflammation and irritation.